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All e-commerce engines come with native pre-installed/built-in payment/shipping modules that allow you to handle payment and shipping processes in your store. You can find a list of the pre-installed payment/shipping modules for each commerce engine at the corresponding official website. Also, you can find some additional (third-party) payment/shipping modules developed by the community for each e-commerce engine. We are the design company only, therefore we do provide design only, in meaning that we do not develop/ implement payment/shipping modules or change/modify original coding/functionality of pre-installed payment/shipping modules that come with the corresponding e-commerce engine. At this point, we do not provide support on payment/shipping modules implementation/configuration. Here are the links to the most popular official ecommerce engine websites, community forums and documentation portals that illustrate the process of payment/shipping modules implementation/configuration.

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Below you will find the links to the detailed tutorials on how to setup/configure native payment/shipping modules of the corresponding e-commerce engine. De Dust2 Vmf Download Css Free. The following article is going to explain the difference between CMS/E-commerce engine and template. A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content as well as maintenance from a central interface. They allow editing and publishing website content from a central interface like a web browser. The most common CMS engines are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.

CMSs are often used to run websites containing blogs, news, and shopping. Many corporate and marketing websites use CMSs. CMSs typically aim to avoid the need for hand coding but may support it for specific elements or entire pages. A CMS may serve as a central repository containing documents, movies, pictures, phone numbers, scientific data. CMSs can be used for storing, controlling, revising, semantically enriching and publishing documentation.