Delete File After Install Inno Setup
As part of the copy protection of my game, the installer needs to delete itself after the installation process. This code: [Code] procedure MyAfterInstall(); begin. Jul 4, 2013 - Extracting the files. Open Universal Extractor and select the installer you want to extract and the folder you want to use. After that, you will have a hierarchy. To edit this file you need to install Inno Setup, which comes with its own script editor. Search for the Check variable and delete all the entries found. Feb 10, 2013 - Newsgroup: jrsoftware.innosetup. No; Inno will by default delete any file or folder that it created via [Dirs]. I do select the files that need installing, but a lot of them are not needed once they have been used. A lot of the files are model files that are then encoded to a set of files elsewhere.
Hi, I just built an installation package with InnoSetup for the SERVER version of my application, and embedded MSDE package within it, to avoid need to ask user to install separated packages. I just made InnoSetup 'install' the MSDE installation folder in c: temp, and as soon my files finishes to be installed, it runs the MSDE setup. Fight Night Champion Keygen Download Free. Crack Left For Dead 2 Skidrow And Reloaded. Civilization Iii Save Game Editor.
There are two optional that are supported by all sections whose entries are separated into parameters except for [Languages], [Types], [Components] and [Tasks]. These are: The name of a function that is to be called once just before an entry is installed. The function must either be a custom function in the [Code] section or a. May include a comma separated list of parameters that Setup should pass to the function. Allowed parameter types are String, Integer and Boolean. String parameters may include constants.
These constants will not be automatically expanded. If you want to pass an expanded constant, there's one special that may be called from within a parameter list for this: ExpandConstant.