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Abstract [1] A suite of 15 episodic tremor and slip events imaged between 1997 and 2008 along the northern Cascadia subduction zone suggests future coseismic rupture will extend to 25 km depth, or ∼60 km inland of the Pacific coast, rather than stopping offshore at 15 km depth. An ETS-derived coupling profile accurately predicts GPS-measured interseismic deformation of the overlying North American plate, as measured by ∼50 continuous GPS stations across western Washington State. When extrapolated over the 550-year average recurrence interval of Cascadia megathrust events, the coupling model also replicates the pattern and amplitude of coseismic coastal subsidence inferred from previous megathrust earthquakes here. For only the Washington State segment of the Cascadia margin, this translates into an M w = 8.9 earthquake, with significant moment release close to its metropolitan centers. • • 1. Introduction [2] The Cascadia subduction zone stretches 1100 km from Northern California to central British Columbia, Canada and accommodates 3–4 cm/year of convergence between the Juan de Fuca and North American tectonic plates () [; ]. It is known to produce magnitude-9 earthquakes roughly every 550 years [;;; ]. Unlike many known faults, for which background seismicity is used to estimate the depth of seismogenic coupling, the Cascadia plate interface has had few smaller earthquakes over the last century.