R Gors And Kallmann Piano Serial Numbers

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I am hoping to find out about my R Gors and Kallmann, Berlin upright Piano serial number 3661? When it was actually built and the ballpark $ value. 75% pre 1900 uprights, 10% baby grands, 5% uprights from 1900 – 1930, 5% other. Year and serial number. How much this piano can value? - posted in Viva Piano: Guys, theres an old piano that just sticks around my grandmas house but its not being used anymore. Some other day, a fellow that works with antiquities offered $6,000 for the piano. I never thought it could cost something like this. So, for this, I decided to search and know really what value this piano really have.

Hi Claire, Thanks for the photos. Do have any idea how you want to sell the piano? Msc Nastran 2012 Torrent Download. This will depend on how quickly you want to sell it. Sell privately 2. Auction (eg eBay).

Crack For Wondershare Mobile Trans Registration Code. Sell to the trade The serial number suggests 1921-1922 (not 1930 ish). So you are looking at a 90 year old piano. Although it looks OK, the casework & general appearance is very out-dated and there seems to have been alot of sunlight on the piano?

Hence the fallboard (inside with name on) is much darker. Or is the flash photography? When you say.

'It just needs tuning'. This always makes me sceptical & any prospective buyer. The overall value of a piano pretty much hinges on its tone quality, regular tuning visits (every 6 months).

And the main thing, is the overall tightness (torque) of the tuning pins. Photos cannot show this, only an expert piano tuner can detect this.

If you are expecting a reasonable price for it, and to be sold privately (say), you need to pay a tuner to come out and tune it - regardless of it needing to be tuned again after delivery. It will sell better, and you can show any pros. Buyer a valid recent receipt. If you were to buy a car. Looking in good condition, then say, 'Engine needs tuning'. What would you think?

R Gors And Kallmann Piano Serial Numbers

Would you buy it? An old vintage car with a spluttering/ coughing/ hit n miss engine will not sell very well!!

Have a look on eBay to get an idea of prices, but we can't give a value here on this forum. Mark Goodwin may be able to give you some very rough prices, but this may reflect on the overall tuning stability. When was the piano last tuned? Is the piano at concert pitch?

You may be asked allsorts of questions like this. Hope that helps Colin Nicholson. Thanks for the info Colin. I will probably be selling privately or to the trade. I intend to get a professional piano tuner to come and tune and do whatever is needed to bring the piano to concert pitch. The last tuner who did this for me in Israel, told me that the piano could be brought to concert pitch.

What I am trying to establish is the approximate worth of the piano, as that will determine how much money it is worth spending getting it up to concert pitch. Like with selling an old car - do you spend the money to safety it before selling or do you sell it as is and take a drop in price? I guess a professional tuner and restorer would be able to tell me that.

Thanks again. Gta Iv Hot Coffee Mod Install here.

How To Find A Piano's Serial Number & Pierce Piano Atlas Piano manufactures place serial numbers in a variety of places. Pianos often have numbers other than serial numbers, such as case and part numbers. Some pianos DO NOT HAVE SERIAL NUMBERS, therefore the exact age can not be determined. Look for a serial number in the locations marked with Need Help?

If you can't find your piano's serial number or if it doesn't have a serial number, ask your piano tuner or local piano dealer for help. Sometimes the action (piano keys) will have a date of manufacture written on it. This date should be within a few years of the piano's date of manufacture. For more information on your piano manufacturer's history and its age, or just the age of your piano, visit the.